Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Holland Dragon's Milk

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: American Strong Ale (Barrel Aged)
State/Country: Michigan
ABV: 8.5%
Serving Type: 750ml Bottle

Look: 9
Deep ruby/dark brown color, thick head that dissipates quickly, with good lacing

Smell: 9
Bourbon, roasted malt, molasses, coffee, vanilla, brown sugar

Taste: 8
Up Front: Bourbon, vanilla, and raisins. Finish: Dark brown sugar, lot's of booze. Finish is also dry

Mouthfeel: 8
Rich, almost syrupy

Drinkability: 8
Relatively easy to drink, but it's a "one and done" kind of beer for me

Overall Score: 8.4

Cost/12 oz serving: $5.25

Overall Impression:
When I bought it, I was under the impression it was an Imperial Stout, but I realized right away that it was too thin for the style. It was a slightly imbalanced - a little heavy on the sweetness, but it is a good (borderline Very Good) beer nonetheless, and certainly worth trying, especially if you like barrel aged beers like I do.

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