Sunday, February 21, 2010

Voodoo Love Child

Reviewed By: Herr Mike
Style: Fruit Beer
State/Country: Pennsylvania
ABV: 9.5%
Serving Type: 22 oz Bottle

Look: 8.5
Golden color, little bubbles, thin fluffy head, lacing present, but not sticking

Smell: 8.5
Yeast, slightly hoppy, cherry

Taste: 8.5
Up Front: Fruity, hoppy. Finish: Dry, slightly malty

Mouthfeel: 8
Thin, effervescent, soda pop feel

Drinkability: 8.5
It’s light and citrusy, has the Belgium funk going on, easy to drink if you like the style. This baby comes in at 9.5 abv, mortalz beware!

Overall Score: 8.4

Cost/12 oz serving: $4.00

Overall Impression:
At $4 a serving, there are better beers in this style to quaff. It wasn’t bad, and I’m feeling the 9.5 abv X 2 = Hee Hee!

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