Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Bruery Saison De Lente

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: American Brett Ale (Saison)
State/Country: California
ABV: 6.5%
Serving Type: 750ml Bottle

Bright golden color, slightly cloudy, fluffy pillow-like head with great lacing

Smell: 9.5
Brett funk, lemon zest, cloves

Taste: 9
Up Front: Lemon zest, apple, malt. Finish: brett funk, earthy

Mouthfeel: 9
Light body with medium carbonation.

Drinkability: 9.5
Silky smooth, with a dry finish. Very refreshing!

Overall Score: 9.2

Cost/12 oz serving: $6.06

Overall Impression:
This is complex ale with delicate flavors that are really well balanced. It's classified as a Saison, but it's made in California AND they used some Brettanomyces yeast, so I am classifying it as American Brett Ale. Since the Brett Funk is present like some of the others I reviewed recently, I feel that it's a better fit. I'm really falling in love with this style of beer. As is usually the case, the 750ml bottles are on pricey side, but well worth it IMNSHO!

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