Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Russian River Consecration

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: American Brett Ale (Barrel Aged)
State/Country: California
ABV: 10%
Serving Type: On Tap @ Monk's Cafe

Deep crimson, slight haze, thin head with little lacing

Smell: 10
Brett funk, dark fruit, caramel, oak, and malt

Taste: 10
Up Front: Lemon zest, white grape, malt. Finish: brett funk, oak at the end

Mouthfeel: 10
Medium body with a light/medium carbonation. It got even creamier as it warmed up!

Drinkability: 10
Tart, incredibly smooth, and refreshing! Does not get more drinakble than this?

Overall Score: 9.8

Cost/12 oz serving: $8.40 - $7 for a 10oz glass, but I would have paid $10. Then again, with tip included I did - haha

Overall Impression:
This was the first American Brett Ale I've had since Victory's Wid Devil - a beer I disliked so much I almost dumped it. Almost. Having said that, I was unsure how this would beer would go over with me. Upon the first sip, my skepticism was gone! This is without a doubt the most complex beer/ale I've ever tasted!!! First the aging in Cabernet Sauvignon Barrels was obvious. The brett was a perfect compliment to the complexity of this amazing ale. It's kinda like a cross between a wine and a beer, and not a cheap version of either. If this is not Nectar of the Godz, I don't know what is.

[EDIT: I tried Victory Wild Devil again on 03/25/10 and I rather enjoyed it. I have acquired a taste for American Brett Beers]

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