Thursday, March 11, 2010

Westmalle Dubbel

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: Dubbel
State/Country: Belgium
ABV: 7%
Serving Type: 11.2 oz Bottle

Look: 9.5
Brown/copper color, cloudy, fluffy head with good retention & excellent lacing

Smell: 8.5
Apple, raisin, Belgian yeast, leather

Taste: 8.5
Up front: Dark fruit, caramel. Finish: Candi sugar, malt, spices - there is so much going on here

Mouthfeel: 9
Medium body, low carbonation, and super smooth

Drinkability: 9
Goes down reeeeeeal easy

Overall Score: 8.9

Cost/12 oz serving: $5.41

Overall Impression:
An authentic Dubbel brewed in Belgium. Outstanding beer!!! Let's just say it's a Famous Trappist Ale for a very good reason

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