Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock

Reviewed By: Herr Mike
Style: Doppelbock
State/Country: Germany
ABV: 6.7%
Serving Type: On Tap @ Local 44

Look: 9
Dark mahogany color, creamy beige head, light lacing

Smell: 9.5
Malty, chocolate, roasted nuts, caramel

Taste: 10
Up Front: Malt, dark fruit, burnt toast, toffee, vanilla. Finish: Chocolate with a slight fruity finish

Mouthfeel: 10
Creamy and smooth

Drinkability: 10
Keep em’ coming!

Overall Score: 9.7

Cost/12 oz serving: $6.50 - it's $4.00 for bottles (green ones)

Overall Impression:
Had this one on tap and it was De-LISH! This beer has great depth to it, but it’s not overpowering, so you can have more than one. Herr Rick took a sip of my beer and he liked it too!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed I did! This my be the very best Dopplebock on the planet - IMNSHO

    -- Herr Rick
