Sunday, April 11, 2010

Landshark Lager

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: American Adjunct Lager
State/Country: Florida
ABV: 4.7%
Serving Type: On Tap @ Sticky Wickett

Look: 7.5
Bright golden color, medium head with decent retention (surprisingly), and little lacing (no surprise)

Smell: 5
Hint of malt and hops

Taste: 5
Slightly sweet, grainy, mild hops. Bland

Mouthfeel: 6
Light body, medium carbonation

Drinkability: 6
There is not much flavor, so they could be pounded rather easily, but I prefer a LOT more flavor in my beer

Overall Score: 5.9

Cost/12 oz serving: $3.00 - it was FREE this time

Overall Impression:
Not a fan of Jimmy Boofay's music or his version of Corona. I've had worse though. It's still better than Shit, and Shit Lite, but not much.

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