Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oskar Blues Gordon Ale

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: Double/Imperial IPA
State/Country: California
ABV: 8.7%
Serving Type: On Tap @ Varga Bar

Look: 9.5
Deep amber/copper color, clear, solid tan head with good retention & very good lacing

Smell: 9
Sweet malt, caramel, pine citrus

Taste: 9.5
Up Front: Caramel, toffee Finish: Sweet malt, pine & citrus hops

Mouthfeel: 9
Medium body & carbonation, creamy

Drinkability: 9.5
Highly quaffable!!!

Overall Score: 9.3

Cost/12 oz serving: $6.00 ($3.25 during Happy Hour)

Overall Impression:
Another Uber Good beer from Oskar Blues. I have yet to have a beer from them that was not in the upper echelon for the style.

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