Saturday, April 3, 2010

Stone Double Bastard Ale

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: American Strong Ale
State/Country: California
ABV: 10.5%
Serving Type: 22 oz Bottle

Deep copper/orange color, cloudy, medium tan head with good retention & great lacing

Smell: 10
Sweet malt, caramel, toffee, citrus & pine hops, chocolate, molasses - Amazing!

Taste: 10
Up Front: Sweet malt, toffee, pine. Finish: Citrus, caramel/toffee - all kinds of flavors that keep going...

Mouthfeel: 9.5
Full body, medium/low carbonation, thick and creamy

Drinkability: 9.5
Very quaffable, alcohol well hidden.

Overall Score: 9.6

Value: 8
Cost/12 oz serving: $4.95

Overall Impression:
Very close to a Barleywine in style. Absolutely amazing beer in flavor, strength, and complexity! And if I have not stated it publicly before, Stone has far and away the best labels, graphics and (arrogant) attitude in the brewing world. Having said that, this beer is Nectar of the Mother Fucking Godz!!!

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