Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Bruery 2 Turtle Doves

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
State/Country: California
ABV: 12%
Serving Type: 750ml Bottle

Look: 9
Dark brown, frothy tan head that dissipated quickly, with good lacing

Smell: 9.5
Chocolate, caramel, coffee, and a hint of nuttiness

Taste: 9
Up Front: Chocolate and caramel malt
Finish: Spicy and slightly tart

Mouthfeel: 8.5
Medium body, with moderate/high carbonation, and a little cloying

Drinkability: 8.5
Alcohol is noticeable and at 12% abv, it's not a session beer. Split the bottle with a friend or loved one

Overall Score: 8.9

Cost/12 oz serving: $4.55

Overall Impression:
This is a very interesting and complex Holiday beer. It's like a cross between a Belgian Dark Ale and an Imperial Stout. I look forward to having another next holiday season.

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