Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lagunitas Hairy Eyball

Reviewed By: Herr Mike
Style: American Strong Ale
State/Country: California
ABV: 8.7%
Serving Type: 12 oz Bottle

Look: 9
Deep Amber, almost chocolaty color, head drops off fast, but the lacing lingers

Smell: 9
Dried fruit, chocolate, brown sugar, some roasted malts

Taste: 10
Up Front: Malty, raisiny, caramel, a touch of sweetness
Finish: A little alcohol comes through after a surge of hops and malt

Mouthfeel: 10
Sticky and rich, my tongue is doing back flips…Rightchaw!

Drinkability: 10
Quaffable times ten! , This could be a winter session beer for me, mortalz, maybe 1 or 2 at a sitting

Overall Score: 9.6

Cost/12 oz serving: $1.96

Overall Impression:
This beer is so good, that my brother in law ( who is a Coors Light drinker ) was so scared of the ABV that he had to split one with me, but he liked this beer a lot!

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