Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Bruery Orchard White

Reviewed By: Herr Rick & Herr Mike
Style: Witbier
State/Country: California
ABV: 5.7%
Serving Type: 750ml Bottle

Look: 8.5
Pale golden color, cloudy, medium head with decent retention & lacing

Smell: 8.5
Citrus, wheat Belgian yeast, coriander

Taste: 8
Up Front: spices, coriander. Finish: Banana, sweet malt

Mouthfeel: 8.5
Medium body, medium/high carbonation

Drinkability: 8.5
Silky smooth and easy to drink

Overall Score: 8.4

Cost/12 oz serving: $4.04

Overall Impression:
This is my least favorite beer from The Bruery. Luckily, it's also the most affordable one. Regardless, it's still a good Witbier, and it should go over very well with Newbeez. MUCH better than Blue Moon, and closer to the real thing.

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