Friday, March 19, 2010

Sierra Nevada Kellerweis

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: Hefeweizen
State/Country: California
ABV: 4.8%
Serving Type: 12 oz Bottle

Look: 9
Deep golden, cloudy, medium head with decent retention & lacing

Smell: 8.5
Banana, clove, grain

Taste: 9
Up Front: Sweet malt. Finish: Banana, cloves - spot on!

Mouthfeel: 8.5
Medium body and carbonation

Drinkability: 9
Very crisp and refreshing!

Overall Score: 8.8

Cost/12 oz serving: $1.60

Overall Impression:
It was much better than I thought it would be. SN is known for hoppy beers with a lot of emphasis on citrus, so I was kinda expecting some strange Americanized version of a German Classic, but that was not the case here. It's damn good! This is a great style for Newbeez to check out. This ain't no Shocktop - it's the real deal

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