Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Bruery Rugbrød

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: Rye Beer
State/Country: California
ABV: 8%
Serving Type: 750ml Bottle

Medium brown color, lighter than I expected. Clear, not much head, with low retention, and little lacing

Smell: 8
Roasted malt and a touch of dark brown sugar

Taste: 9
Up Front: Dark fruit, slightly tart, subtle earthy flavors
Finish: Toasted malt, more fruit and mild spiciness

Mouthfeel: 8.5
Medium body with low carbonation, and a tad oily

Drinkability: 8.5
Smooth, pleasant, and quite quaffable. Alcohol very well hidden

Overall Score: 8.3

Value: 7
Cost/12 oz serving: $5.05

Overall Impression:
It had more flavor than expected considering the look and smell. This was a very interesting beer. More like a Brown Ale than your typical Rye Beer, which often has caraway added. Thankfully that was not the case here. Although I'm not big on Brown Ale or Rye Beer, I did enjoy this beer quite a bit. You probably will too!

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