Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Bruery Saison Rue

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: American Brett Ale (Saison)
State/Country: California
ABV: 8.5%
Serving Type: 750ml Bottle

Orange yellow color, cloudy, huge dense fluffy head with uber good retention and lacing

Smell: 9.5
Blast of Brett funk, with cloves, pepper, citrus

Taste: 9
Up Front: Brett funk, spices. Finish: Alcohol, sweet malt, citrus

Mouthfeel: 8.5
Medium body with high carbonation, and dry finish

Drinkability: 8.5
Crisp & refreshing

Overall Score: 9.1

Value: 7
Cost/12 oz serving: $6.06

Overall Impression:
This is the second American Brett Ale I have reviewed from The Bruery this week. This one is even more complex with intense flavors, particularly the Brett and spices. Although it is well balanced, it does learn toward sweetness a bit. It is not as sessionable (is that even a word) as Saison De Lente due mainly to the higher abv. I have a really nice Belgian Buzz going on after quaffing down this bottle.Yet another excellent American rendition of a Belgian classic from The Bruery!

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