Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bell's Third Coast Old Ale

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: Old Ale
State/Country: Michigan
ABV: 10.2%
Serving Type: 12 oz Bottle

Look: 9
Dark brown color, medium head with decent retention & good lacing

Smell: 9
Dark fruit, sweet malt, caramel

Taste: 8.5
Up Front: All kinds of dark fruit. Finish: Malt, booze

Mouthfeel: 8.5
Full body, low/medium carbonation, thick & creamy

Drinkability: 8.5
Just a little on the sweet side, which was more of an issue as it got warmer

Overall Score: 8.7

Cost/12 oz serving: $4.30

Overall Impression:
One of the few ales that I enjoyed less as it approached cellar temp. Still enjoyable though.

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