Friday, March 26, 2010

He'Brew Messiah Bold

Reviewed By: Herr Rick
Style: American Brown Ale
State/Country: California
ABV: 5.6%
Serving Type: 12 oz Bottle

Look: 9
Brown color, medium tan head with good retention & lacing

Smell: 8
Chocolate, sweet malt

Taste: 6
Up Front: Bland, chocolate
Finish: Same, with a strange lingering bitterness

Mouthfeel: 6.5
Medium body, low carbonation

Drinkability: 6.5
Average at best

Overall Score: 7.2

Cost/12 oz serving: $1.61

Overall Impression:
It looked great, smelled ok, but it was flat out boring after that. The flavor that was present was good, but there was not nearly enough of it. This reminds me of a beer that one of the Evil 2 would put out.

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